FULL SERVICE NUCLEAR SCANNING - Digirad multi-head mobile nuclear cardiology
imaging systems - Primary mobile hotlab kit - Certified Nuclear Medicine Technologist and Stress Technician - Radioactive Materials License - Radiopharmaceutical and chemical stress agents offered at preferred national contract pricing - Access to Nuclear Certified Physicians - Assistance in coding, billing and collections supervised by experienced auditors State of the Art EquipmentAs an accredited institution, quality remains a high priority with ADT, and as such we have instituted a Quality Assurance Program to maintain complete customer satisfaction that is unmatched in the industry. Through various programs and feedback mechanisms, we do our best to ensure that your every need and concern is timely addressed to your satisfaction. Should your camera break down, to catch up a backlog or for any other short-term solution to your equipment needs, this offering may be preferred. Under this model, we can provide a Digirad camera to be utilized by your staff. ADT will ensure that your staff is appropriately trained and competent on this equipment.
Our technologists are trained in their respective roles to the highest professional standards available. Each team member is also ACLS certified. Nuclear StaffingIf your practice has a nuclear camera and is in need of technologists, this offering may be preferred. Under this model, ADT will provide a certified nuclear medicine technologist to perform nuclear studies on your camera. These technicians come with the same credentials, quality and professionalism as offered under all our models.